DISCLAIMER: Prim Pals was designed after visiting several of the 100,000 + websites there are for pen pal and gift exchange groups. There will be similarities. This is NOT an original idea. Just part of a dream to create a community for all primitive and country craft folk to visit and enjoy.
Yes it's that "Thyme" again hehehe.... Prim Pals forum is havin' a new swap !
Hope you can join in our new swap ! You'll find no tricks in this swap only lotsa awesome treats ! Whatcha' waitin' for ? Head on over to the forum and sign up =)
The more friends we get to participate, the more fun this can be for all of us. So please put this button with a link back to Prim Pals on your blog and help spread the happiness!
The New Prim Pals Forum...
There is a new gathering place where you can talk crafts, cooking, gardening and even about being frugal! Come check it out and watch our community grow...
Add a Button!
Thanks to Melissa at MsPrimNCountry.blogspot.com you have your choice of buttons to post a link back to us at Prim Pals! Thank you bunches Melissa!