DISCLAIMER: Prim Pals was designed after visiting several of the 100,000 + websites there are for pen pal and gift exchange groups. There will be similarities. This is NOT an original idea. Just part of a dream to create a community for all primitive and country craft folk to visit and enjoy.
The more friends we get to participate, the more fun this can be for all of us. So please put this button with a link back to Prim Pals on your blog and help spread the happiness!
The New Prim Pals Forum...
There is a new gathering place where you can talk crafts, cooking, gardening and even about being frugal! Come check it out and watch our community grow...
Add a Button!
Thanks to Melissa at MsPrimNCountry.blogspot.com you have your choice of buttons to post a link back to us at Prim Pals! Thank you bunches Melissa!
I got my ornies today!! Yippee!